• Reviews

    Joe’s Boxes – Contact!

    I had gotten the impression that Joe was unreachable by email from some mutual friends. Admittedly, I had not emailed him since he left in 2018. As I am not so brazen as to go poking through a man’s belongings on just a rumor that he has disappeared, I made a personal attempt to contact Joe last week. To my surprise, he responded almost right away. He is safe and sound, back in the states but nowhere near me. He has given conditional approval to the “Joe’s Boxes” project. The conditions are that I take care of anything I borrow and stay away from anything that looks like it is…

  • Self-publishing

    First Impressions

    Now that the first excerpt for my manuscript has been posted on this site, it is time to introduce it as a project that will be guided through the publishing process. It is a work of fiction titled Three Degrees of Freedom. It will eventually be made available through major booksellers. I’ve done a lot of legwork trying to get it published already and have gotten a handle on some of the industry basics. My first impressions of the book publishing process is that getting this book to print is a very reasonable goal. When I finally had a finished manuscript in my hands, I did not know what to…

  • Prose,  Self-publishing

    First released excerpt from Three Degrees of Freedom

    The first excerpt from my manuscript for Three Degrees of Freedom is now available in a downloadable .pdf file in the Prose page. I am currently working to get Three Degrees of Freedom published. Most likely this is going to be done through self-publishing or some hybrid publishing model. For more information on this, see the the Self-publishing tab in the main menu. There will be a couple more selections from this work released by year’s end. I want to make sure they get a good proof read before being made available. But, before releasing the next excerpt, I want to finish a short story project I have in the…

  • Brew Druid

    The next brew

    I think my next brewing is going to be in October. It has been a while since my last batch and I am finding myself at a crossroads. In order for me to do the kind of brewing I want, I need some equipment upgrades. I’m going to spend the time leading up to that brewing planning and documenting the plan. Plan details will be presented on Brew Druid. Posts here will summarize status of the project and content changes on the site.

  • Brew Druid

    Hops are ready

    We’re on the back half of hop season at my house. Some of the vines are definitely past there prime. There are a few that might still be fresh, though time is getting short. I harvested a small amount the other morning before work and left them in a brown paper beg on the back porch. I might have time to make another harvest tomorrow morning. I will be posting pictures on the Brew Druid site in the next week or so, hopefully. I am a little weary of using homegrown hops for the brewdruid project. I think I know most of the strains, but I have no idea how…