• Prose

    Coming soon: Panda, Zebra, Dalmatian

    New short story coming soon. It is about three anthropomorphized animals and their interactions. I think the writing processed I used here was a little flawed. I started off with just a half notion for a story, but thought it would make a good jump off point for a quick piece. Unfortunately, the half notion wasn’t really enough to get me started and it just existed and discontinuous paragraphs without any real form for a while. My brain finally caught on and the story has finally taken root. It is taking longer than I planned, but I think I am going to be satisfied with the results. I want to…

  • Reviews

    The Hawkline Monster – Initial Comments

    I suffer from a condition that often makes me believe that whatever I am reading at the moment is the most wonderful thing I have ever read. I think I may have already mentioned this in an earlier post. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it is fairly common for me to fall madly in love with whatever book I’m working on. It is almost a guaranteed to happen whenever I read a classic irrespective of whether its appeal is to a mainstream or niche audience.The Hawkline Monster is one of these and it only took a page or two for Brautigan to set the hook. It is billed…

  • Reviews

    Heavy Metal #300 Summary

    It took me a while to get back around to commenting on this. That, in and of itself, should tell you basically what I thought. Uninspired. There were a couple of good things in there but little of it is outstanding. Corben seldom disappoints. The final piece about a drug addicted superhero I enjoyed quite a bit. One interesting thing of note was the Bode piece I mentioned in an earlier post. Vaughn Bode (fantasy art legend) is the original creator of the piece but it was finished by his son Mark.

  • Reviews

    The Song of Achilles

    I needed a book for my desk at work to read on my many poop breaks. I decided on The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. I believe it is a novelized version of The Illiad. I’m not too far in yet. It is told from the perspective of Patroclus (at least the first chapters are). The narrative is a little grim, dark even. But I get the feeling it is going to be a fun little read. Already I am being reacquainted with a long forgotten cast of Greek kings and heroes. The manner in which I came to pick up the book is probably amusing to me at…

  • Reviews

    Getting the Buddha Mind Final Thoughts

    I seem to remember a passage from my first read of Getting the Buddha Mind that wasn’t really there. Maybe I read another Buddhism book that I forgot about. Anyway it was something about how a devoted practitioner of Buddhism could be confronted with indisputable evidence of Christianity tomorrow and it would not rattle their belief in the power of meditation in the least. They are not mutually exclusive concepts. I liked that. Just the other day I was listening to a Gloria Estefan interview on NPR. I think it was on Fresh Air. At one point Gloria claimed to be spiritual but not dogmatic. Is it dumb to be…

  • Reviews

    The Tale of Tom Kitten

    My daughter got a set of Beatrix Potter books. I think it might be the complete works. They are amusing little reads about anthropomorphized critters set in early 1900s London and/or the English countryside. They are full of very classic looking children’s art and make use of terms and phrasings that are terribly outdated. They are quaint as f%#&. I read her The Tale of Tom Kitten today. He is a mischievous little rascal for sure. His mother, Tabitha Twitchit, is expecting fine company for tea. So Tom and his sisters are washed and dressed in fancy clothing. But the kittens promptly lose the clothes to some ducks and get…

  • Reviews

    Heavy Metal #300 – Lucy: Hope, Savage Circus

    The first tale in Heavy Metal #300 is good. It’s called Lucy:Hope and it is set at the dawn of mankind. The artwork is fantastic. It is actually just the first chapter in a longer tale but it looks like it will be well done. Has a very epic feel about it. It is the kind of thing that fits right into Heavy Metal. The second story is also a first chapter in a longer story, but this one is not off to as good a start. It is well drawn for sure, but the storyline is almost unreadable. It is about 23 pages of the magazine which begins when…

  • Brew Druid

    The Recipe Book

    My partner in the Brew Druid Project did finally find his old brew recipe book. And as should have probably been expected, the notes are incomplete. There is no documented beer that was bottled with a green cap with an “A”. As near we can tell, it was from either a beer called “America, Fuck Ya Red, Wheat and Blue Ale” (a blueberry wheat) or “Ape Man Jermyn Wheat Ale” (an orange wheat). There is a wide range of beer styles in the recipe book, so it is strange that the most likely candidates were both fruit infused wheats. As far as I can see, they are the only two…

  • Reviews

    Buddha Mind – Outer Paths

    The point on “faith” as a condition for true enlightenment has vexed me as I read my way through Getting the Buddha Mind.  As I said before, it doesn’t strike me as faith in the same way that it is used in other religions.  There was a passage in the book that summed up the difference well. We call this “practicing outer paths” because your faith is not in yourself but only in outer things.  The usual interpretation of the Chinee term wai tao is “ outside of Buddhist belief,” that is, heretical.  But the real meaning of outer paths is seeking salvation outside of oneself, such as another person,…

  • Self-publishing

    Luminare Press

    A few months ago, I found another avenue to get Three Degrees of Freedom into print.  I was bumming around the internet looking at local writer’s resources when I came upon Luminare Press.  They had a free e-book titled Six Steps to Successful Self-Publishing which I thought might be worth thumbing through.  It was a short, quick little read but it had some good information.  The book is a nice concise outline of the steps and requirements of getting a book published outside of a traditional publishing house.  I would recommend it to anyone looking to self-publish and will certainly be referencing it again myself. From my perspective, as someone…